NC-SARA Institution Advisory Committee Nominations Open
NC-SARA is creating an Institution Advisory Committee to begin work in 2022, and we now welcome nominations. The purpose of the...
NC-SARA’s Annual Data Report and New Data Dashboards Now Available
NC-SARA released our Annual Data Report on October 20, 2021. The release includes the publication of the Annual Data Technical Report...
USDLA Public Policy Forum with Lori Williams - October 8, 2021
NC-SARA's President and CEO Dr. Lori Williams will be a featured speaker at USDLA's Public Policy Forum on October 8, 2021...
Registration Open - NC-SARA Policy Proposals Webinar: September 15, 2021
Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback or proposals for SARA policy to go to the NC-SARA board at its upcoming...
New SHEEO Report – “Breaking Down Barriers: The Impact of State Authorization Reciprocity on Online Enrollment”
The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) has just published a new report in a series of research reports about...
NC-SARA's President and CEO to serve on CHEA Board of Directors
Starting in July 2021, Lori Williams, NC-SARA's President and CEO, will serve a three year term as a member of the...
Read NC-SARA’s 2020-21 Annual Report
We are happy to share our 2020-21 Annual Report, which provides an overview of our past progress and highlights our plans...
NC-SARA Submits Comments to Department of Education on Higher Education Priorities
The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) submitted a comment letter to the U.S. Department of Education offering insight...
Registration is Open for In The Field: NC-SARA’s First Annual Institution Conference
NC-SARA is looking forward to hosting our first conference specifically for SARA participating institutions on July 19-20, 2021. In The Field...
June 2021: SARA Policy Revision Cycle Memo
Between June 2021 and May 2022, NC-SARA, along with its regional compact partners (MHEC, NEBHE, SREB, and WICHE), will transition from...
21st Century Guidelines for Distance Education: Updated Information and Webinar Recording
NC-SARA is pleased to share updated information about the 21st Century Guidelines for Distance Education for accreditors, as posted on C-RAC's...
Revised SARA Policy Manual and SARA Institution Provisional Participation Extension Form Now Available
NC-SARA has posted the updated SARA Policy Manual (version 21.1) and the updated (AF4) SARA Institution Provisional Participation Extension Form. Changes...
NC-SARA's May 5, 2021 Board Meeting: Notes and Materials Posted
Summary notes of the May 5, 2021 NC-SARA Board Meeting as well as the May 18, 2021 webinar recording and slides...
Now Available: SARA Cost Savings Calculator
The SARA Cost Savings Calculator is now available on the NC-SARA website. Colleges and universities offering interstate distance education may use...
Update about C-RAC 21st Century Distance Education Guidelines
NC-SARA has been enormously pleased with the positive responses we have received regarding the C-RAC 21st Century Distance Education Accreditor Guidelines...
Information about 21st Century Distance Education Guidelines
The Council of Regional Accrediting Commissions (C-RAC) has posted 21st Century Distance Education Guidelines on its website along with its statement...
Newly Updated State Authorization Guide
We are pleased to announce that the latest update to the State Authorization Guide (the Guide) has just been completed, and...
Our Condolences
NC-SARA joins our Boulder, Colorado community in mourning the loss of ten people in yesterday's mass shooting at a grocery store...
Podcast about Higher Ed's New Digital Divide
Episode 40 of Inside Higher Ed's The Key podcast features Lori Williams, CEO and President of NC-SARA, and Reggie Smith III...
New NC-SARA Article on “Quality Distance Education” Featured in Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning
A new article from the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) CEO and President Lori Williams and Director of...
NC-SARA’s Institutional Data Reporting Resources Are Now Available
Resources for SARA participating institutions’ reporting of fall 2020 distance education enrollment and calendar year 2020 out-of-state learning placements (OOSLP) are...
NC-SARA Welcomes Feedback to Proposed Policy Changes by February 26, 2021
NC-SARA will be proposing nine modifications (four policy changes and five policy clarifications) to the SARA Policy Manual that will be...
NC-SARA Sponsors New Report on Digital Divide Released by Inside Higher Ed
The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) sponsored a new report released by Inside Higher Ed that examines the...
Jeannie Yockey-Fine Featured in WCET Podcast
Jeannie Yockey-Fine, General Counsel for NC-SARA, joined WCET's General Disclosure podcast for an informative discussion about state authorization over the years...
NC-SARA’s Mary Larson Appointed to Quality Matters’ Board
We are thrilled to announce that Mary Larson, NC-SARA’s Executive Director for Student and Institution Support, has been appointed to the...
Updated State and Institution Applications
State and institution applications have been updated and are available on the NC-SARA website under the Resources tab ( along...
Upcoming Webinar - NC-SARA Board Proposals for SARA Policy Modifications: Spring 2021
Join us on February 9, 2021 for an in-depth discussion of the proposed SARA Policy changes that will go before the...
Upcoming Webinar - Tracking Students: Planning, Compliance, and Data Reporting
NC-SARA and WCET/State Authorization Network (SAN) will be co-hosting a free webinar on February 4, 2021 to discuss federal, state, and...
Call for SARA Policy Revision Suggestions for Spring 2021 Board Meeting
NC-SARA’s policy review cycle for its Spring 2021 Board meeting starts now . NC-SARA is interested in hearing from you with...
NC-SARA’s Student Consumer Protections Featured by SHEEO
How Do We Protect Online College Students as Consumers? By Lori Williams, president and CEO of the National Council for State...
U.S. Department of Education Issues Final Rules on Distance Education and Innovation
On August 24th, after a comprehensive 2018-2019 Negotiated Rulemaking session and additional public comments on the proposed regulations this past spring...
NC-SARA Announces New Communications, Outreach Staff
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT August 3, 2020 NC-SARA Announces New Communications, Outreach Staff New hires will enhance NC-SARA’s communications, outreach...
States and Quality Assurance in Online Education during COVID
COVID surge in distance learning demands renewed focus on quality assurance (opinion) Published on Inside Higher Ed ( on July...
NC-SARA Board Nominations
The NC-SARA Board anticipates having two vacancies following its October 2020 meeting. Therefore, we are soliciting nominations to fill these positions...
NC-SARA Board Vote
This week the NC-SARA Board voted electronically to approve revised language regarding programs that lead to professional licensure. At the May...
NC-SARA Announces New Job Openings
The National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) is seeking qualified candidates to fill two new roles at its Boulder...
NC-SARA Data Reporting Window Extended to June 30, 2020
We would like to thank everyone for their tireless work to help students during this health and economic crisis. Given the...
New Edition of State Authorization Book is Available
A new edition of State Authorization of Colleges and Universities (Alan Contreras, Editor) is now available, superseding the 2017 edition. The...
NC-SARA Coronavirus (COVID-19) Responses to Institution Payments, Data Reporting, Institution Renewals
NC-SARA staff is aware the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had an impact on staffing at both institutions and SARA State Portal Entities...
NC-SARA Responds to COVID-19 Concerns from Participating Institutions
Some NC-SARA institutions have expressed concerns regarding NC-SARA's federal financial composite score requirement for participation in the reciprocity agreement, in the...