John Ware
John Ware has served as Executive Director of the Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and Schools since 1997 and is responsible for the oversight and regulation of Ohio's 230 career colleges and schools. In addition to the Board’s general oversight responsibilities, John is responsible for drafting and implementing Ohio’s rules and regulations governing career colleges including academic standards, admissions and recruiting standards, and numerous other consumer protection regulations. John is also active in many state and national education organizations and currently serves as a Board member on the National Association of State Administrators and Supervisors of Private Schools (NASASPS). John also served as President of NASASPS from 2010-2015 and during this time participated in many of the preliminary meetings about state reciprocity that led to the initial drafting of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement.
Prior to joining the Board of Career Colleges and Schools, John served as an Ohio Assistant Attorney General for education, providing legal counsel to numerous state education agencies including the Ohio Board of Regents and the Ohio Department of Education. John received his Bachelor of Arts from Michigan State University and his Juris Doctorate from The Ohio State University.